Evolink CDN provides a full range of online video streaming services.
Live video and video-on-demand streaming, cloud storage, video encoding and transcoding. The platform provides multiple tools for advertising, security, statistics and analysis.
No content
No hidden
for process automation
Geo-block access to your content only for a specific geographic area. It can be applied to live video streaming and video-on-demand. The choice which geo-restrictions to apply to a specified content is yours.
A security mechanism that prevents unauthorized attempts to publish your video content on domains other than the ones specified by you
Evolink CDN supports a customer-selected Digital Rights Management (DRM) system, transparently transferring DRM from end viewers to the content source.
Embedding ads before, during and after your video. We provide you with easy and efficient integration of your managed ad server compatible with VAST protocol.
Through in-house developed APIs, you have the opportunity to authorize PPV access to end users only to content for which they have paid.
Evolink.CDN has integrations with several industry leading payment processing solutions, to easily enable PPV. Among them are EpayGO, Inplayer and Cleeng.
Evolink CDN statistics allow you to track how many unique viewers watched your video content over a defined period of time. This statistics section counts by number of viewers, not by number of video reloads.
Evolink CDN statistics provide you with information on the number of viewers per country.
You receive information about the total volume of traffic from the video content streamed by the Evolink platform for a defined period.
Do not hesitate to contact us to inquire more information about a video streaming solution suitable for your business.